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Key Principles of Contract Law in Turkey

Contract law in Turkey plays a pivotal role in establishing a solid legal foundation that enables individuals and businesses to engage in transactions with confidence. In the context of Turkey, understanding contract law is essential for regulating and facilitating a wide array of agreements.

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Our team provides an in-depth overview of contract law in Turkey, exploring key principles, contractual requirements, and legal remedies available to parties involved.

In Turkey, contract law finds its primary source in the Turkish Civil Code, which was enacted in 1926 and has since undergone significant revisions. Alongside the Civil Code, additional laws and regulations, such as the Turkish Commercial Code and industry-specific legislation, may also be relevant based on the nature of the contract at hand.

Contract Law in Turkey

Principles of Contract Law

  • Freedom of Contract: Turkish contract law upholds the principle of freedom of contract, granting parties the liberty to negotiate and determine the terms and conditions of their agreement, within lawful boundaries.
  • Good Faith and Fair Dealing: An integral aspect of Turkish contract law is the principle of good faith and fair dealing. Parties involved are expected to demonstrate honesty, fairness, and reasonableness throughout the negotiation, formation, and execution of the contract.
  • Mandatory Provisions: While parties possess considerable freedom in shaping their contractual terms, Turkish contract law includes certain mandatory provisions that cannot be waived or altered. These provisions serve to protect the weaker party and safeguard public order, consumer rights, and other vital interests.

Contractual Requirements

For a contract to be valid and enforceable under Turkish law, specific requirements must be fulfilled:

  • Offer and Acceptance: A valid contract necessitates a clear and unambiguous offer presented by one party, followed by the unconditional acceptance of that offer by the other party. Both the offer and acceptance must indicate a genuine intention to create legal obligations.
  • Consideration: Consideration refers to the exchange of something valuable (e.g., money, goods, services) between the contracting parties. In Turkish contract law, consideration is generally required to ensure enforceability.
  • Capacity: Parties entering into a contract must possess the legal capacity to do so. Individuals must be of sound mind and at least 18 years old, while legal entities must possess the necessary authority to bind themselves to the contract.

In cases of contract breach, Turkish contract law provides various legal remedies to compensate the aggrieved party:

  • Damages: Monetary damages represent the most common remedy, aiming to restore the injured party to the position they would have been in had the contract been duly performed.
  • Specific Performance: In certain circumstances, the court may order the breaching party to fulfill their contractual obligations as specified in the agreement. This remedy is commonly sought when monetary compensation is deemed insufficient.
  • Termination: If the breach is substantial, the injured party may have the right to terminate the contract and be relieved of their own obligations.

Summary of Contract Law in Turkey

Contract law in Turkey serves as a robust framework, ensuring fairness and balance for parties engaged in contractual relationships. Familiarizing oneself with the principles, requirements, and legal remedies provided by Turkish contract law is crucial for individuals and businesses alike.

By adhering to these regulations and seeking appropriate legal guidance when necessary, parties can effectively manage risks and safeguard their contractual rights within the Turkish legal system.

Contact us for Contract Law in Turkey

Our contract CPAs are readily available to address any questions you may have regarding contract laws and regulations in Turkey, legal requirements, and the various services we offer.

At Companixa CPA, we offer comprehensive company formation services that simplify the process for you. Our experienced team of legal experts provides personalized guidance, streamlining the setup of your limited liability company, joint-stock company, free zone company, branch, or liaison office.

At Companixa CPA, we prioritize clear and prompt communication. For any inquiries or to schedule a consultation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us through our Contact page.

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